I see you!

My Dear Friend,

I SEE YOU! I see the sacrifice you make every day despite your internal pain and suffering. I see how you show up for others but don't get the same in return. 

I see your loneliness even in the middle of a packed room. I see your sadness at the realization that you may never get that sincere apology or hear the words "I believe you."

I see your sadness and frustration because some will only see your reaction but not the trigger that caused it. Sometimes you feel like giving it all up and running away because your sacrifices are not being acknowledged or appreciated.

I see your battle with doubt and hopelessness. I see and hear you in your not-so-quiet moments questioning, "Why me?" I see you standing on the sidelines of your life, watching it go by because you're living to please everyone else - living the life they think you should live and not getting an authentic I'm proud of you in return.

I see you wondering why others don't have your back like you would fight and kill for theirs. I see you looking at all the time that has gone by and all the pain, trials, trauma, sadness, and anxiety that has consumed you.

I see you wondering how and why it was so easy for people to abandon or reject you and not care enough to know the pain it caused. I SEE YOU!

I also see there is still time – it’s not too late. You unknowingly relinquished your power to pain, people, and circumstances. It's time to take that power back.

It's time to choose you. It's time to live. At this point, so what if "they" don't see you, apologize, acknowledge, believe, or validate you? Yes, it hurts, but save your precious time. Every day you wake up, every breath you take, every heartbeat is a gift from God. Focus on all the positives and beauty around you. Guard your heart and protect your peace, even if that means declining an invitation or avoiding triggering events or conversations. Be confident in who you are. You ARE enough. Love and embrace yourself. Look in the mirror every morning and affirm yourself. Find the beauty in life and let that be your focal point. Free yourself from it all and be intentional about living for yourself and seeing the best in yourself. God sees the best in you no matter what. 

Let the past be the past; you can't change or control what happened in the past, but you can move forward and live unapologetically, prioritizing and loving yourself. I SEE YOU!!!


What does it mean